As this storm approached over the white cliffs of the Missouri River in central Montana, I've never paddled so hard and...

Storm Clouds on the Missouri

Missouri River, Montana

 As this storm approached over the white cliffs of the Missouri River in central Montana, I've never paddled so hard and fast to get to a campsite.  I made it just ahead of the strong wind, got my tent set up as lightning flashed and thunder rolled, took a few quick pictures, and ducked into my tent.  Fortunately, it was all sound and fury and very little rain, and it was over after 30 minutes.  But it did give me a photo that I like because of the contrast between the dark cloud and the white cliffs.  Usually people floating on the river don't like to see this coming, but I was thrilled because I had a camera and a possible image in my mind. Photo © copyright by Stephen Penland.